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C2DB is an electronic navigation chart display system which supports NOAA (MapTech), S-57 and UK Hydrographic Office ARCS Version 2 encrypted charts. C2DB, uses the Windows operating system which provides enhanced processing power and screen refresh rates.
A standard windows interface is presented to the operator utilizing views, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, etc. This provides a familiar and intuitive working environment. Detailed instructions are contained within an on-line help facility and a C2DB manual is supplied with the software.
Relevant charts are supplied. Additional local charts may be obtained through ObsTek or any NOAA supplier. The working charts are normally held on line and accessed by tabs at the foot of the screen. Cursor position information is displayed in the status bar. IMO standard color palettes are included to allow for daytime, twilight and night viewing.
A pencil, eraser, waypoint and point marker tool are used for most general chart work operations.
Normal plotting functions carried out by the operator are saved if required to an overlay. An unlimited number of overlays may be saved for the same location and viewed on any scale of chart showing that location. A screen dump may be made at any time.
All radar and SID telemetered target data received by the processor is correlated and stored in memory and relevant targets are automatically plotted on the chart currently displayed on the screen.
Boundary areas may be configured by the operators to suit individual location requirements. Guard zones and warning rings may be drawn on the screen. Automatic pop-up dialogue boxes are used to provide warning information relevant to highlighted points on the screen. Course and speed plus CPA, TCPA of an errant ship is shown. Position, course to steer, and ETA are displayed for a MOB.
Simulator software is available for planning a scope of work, training, trial maneuver and presentation purposes. The display may also be used to pass E-mail between similarly fitted ships or installations.